Monday, December 30, 2013


Nadine Lhopitalier était une jeune starlette du cinéma , quand sa rencontre avec le baron de Rothschild a changé sa vie.
Plusieurs décennies plus tard, elle a écrit plusieurs livres et tient une prestigieuse école sur le savoir-faire.
Tiré d’une entrevue qu’elle accordait au magazine suisse 360° en décembre 2005.
Apéritif « Le champagne est une valeur sûre au moment de l’apéritif. Il peut aussi bien accompagner tout le dîner. Pour mettre à l’aise les abstinents, je préconise de servir du Perrier dans des flûtes à champagne. »
Baisemain « Jamais en public ! La dame tend la main, l’homme la saisit et appuie son menton dessus. La dame pivote le poignet en direction de la bouche du monsieur et ses lèvres ne doivent jamais toucher la main. »
Bon appétit !, Santé ! « Ces mots ne se prononcent jamais en société, mais uniquement dans un cadre familial. Si dans un dîner toute l’assistance se souhaite un bon appétit ou la bonne santé, il faut suivre le mouvement. »
Bière « Elle n’est pas prohibée à table, mais doit accompagner un met approprié à sa dégustation. J’en sers avec de la choucroute. Mais il faut faire mention du plat sur le carton d’invitation. »
Cadeau « On ouvre toujours les cadeaux devant les convives juste après le dessert. Si ce sont des chocolats, il faut les faire goûter. Hormis au Japon où cela ne se fait pas. Et si on n’aime vraiment pas son cadeau il faut en faire don discrètement à une œuvre caritative. »
Cigarette « S’il le demande, il faut accepter qu’un invité fume chez soi ou en notre présence bien que cela puisse nous déranger. On ne le prie pas d’aller fumer sur le balcon. En revanche, il est astucieux de présenter les cendriers juste après le fromage. »
Conversation « On ne parle pas d’argent, de sexe, de politique et de religion à table. Toutefois pour engager la conversation il faut se tenir au courant de l’actualité grâce à un journal intellectuel comme « Paris Match. » Une femme pose des questions à ses voisins et sourit pour flatter les hommes. Une femme qui ne sourit pas n’entrera jamais nulle part. »
Finir son assiette « Oui, c’est obligatoire. Mais on peut développer des astuces pour donner l’impression de l’avoir finie. Si on n’aime vraiment pas la cuisine, on prétexte un examen médical le lendemain. »
Fleurs « J’ai une préférence pour les petits bouquets de fleurs blanches : ils s’harmonisent avec tous les intérieurs. Les fleurs doivent être livrées la veille ou le lendemain du jour de l’invitation pour ne pas ennuyer la maîtresse de maison. Quand on reçoit sa famille, il faut préparer ses vases à l’avance, car les parents sont autorisés à venir à un dîner les bras chargés de fleurs. »
Fourchette « La fourchette est présentée les dents contre la table. En Amérique, c’est l’inverse. »
Lapin (poser un) « Premier réflexe, couvrir de fleurs la personne lésée et s’excuser. Ensuite prétexter une perte d’agenda, lors d’un entretien au téléphone. »
Lettre de château « C’est une lettre de remerciement après une invitation. Elle est obligatoire, bien qu’elle puisse passer pour une corvée. S’y soustraire, c’est risquer de déplaire et de ne plus être invité à nouveau. »
Menu « Il est de préférence manuscrit, même si l’écriture n’est pas parfaite, et mis en évidence sur la table. »
Ordre de table « Il faut tout d’abord placer son invité d’honneur, puis les autres, en fonction de leur statut. Les jeunes célibataires sont placés en bout de table. On sépare les couples mariés sauf s’ils sont mariés depuis moins d’un an. »
Présentation « On présente un homme à une femme. Jamais l’inverse. »
Restaurant « On ne sert pas la main à quelqu’un que l’on paye pour nous rendre un service. Ignorez la main du patron ou du serveur au restaurant ! »
Retard « Un retard de vingt minutes est la limite de l’acceptable. Il ne faut jamais repousser l’heure du repas à cause d’un retardataire, et ce par égard pour les invités ponctuels. Si l’on est retenu ailleurs, on appelle l’hôte pour s’excuser et lui dire de commencer en son absence et l’assurer de sa venue. Il ne faut pas réinviter un retardataire impénitent. »
Salade « On ne la coupe jamais au couteau dans son assiette. Tout au plus avec le dos de la fourchette. L’hôte doit veiller à préparer une salade coupée finement. »
Sel « A cause d’une superstition, il est d’usage de ne pas passer la salière de main à main. Il faut la poser sur la table pour que le voisin la prenne. Prévoyez plusieurs salières sur la table (2 par groupe de 3 pers.) : c’est plus pratique. On ne met pas non plus de sel sur une tache de vin rouge, car on risque de trouer la nappe. »
Serviette « La serviette est placée dans l’assiette pour le déjeuner (éventuellement pliée). Elle se place non pliée à gauche de l’assiette pour le dîner. Mais elle n’est jamais pliée en cocotte dans un verre ! Le rond de serviette n’est présent que lors de repas dominicaux en famille à la campagne. »
Végétarien « Un végétarien et les personnes suivant un régime alimentaire spécial doivent prévenir leur hôte au moins un jour avant le dîner. »
Verres « Sur une table dressée se trouve : un verre à eau, un verre à bordeaux et un verre à vin blanc. On met le verre à champagne sur la table seulement quand on n’a pas de personnel pour le service. »
Verre à pied « Il se tient naturellement, le galbe de la tulipe dans la paume. On ne pince pas le pied entre ses doigts. »
A lire en complément :
(inclus code de conduite avec les homos et les bi)
Le Bonheur de séduire, l’art de réussir
Le savoir-vivre du XXIe siècle (Nouvelle édition), Nadine de Rothschild, Ed. Robert Laffont



Below is what the Rebbe said we can learn from the game.

From the words of the Rebbe:

The king is the most valuable piece on the chessboard. Protecting the king and attacking the pieces which threaten the king's "dominion" is the objective of the game, and the goal of all the pieces at the king's disposal.

The same thing is true with all of created reality. The king represents the King of the Universe. When G‑d created the world, He had an end-goal in mind – that this G‑d-denying reality be made into a place where His dominion is known. Just as all of the pieces in the chess game exist only to protect the king and further his goal, all components of creation only exists in order to fulfill this deepest desire of the King of kings.

While the king represents the transcendent quality of G‑d, the queen represents malchut d'Atzilut, G‑d's immanent quality. This quality of G‑d generates the rest of the spiritual hierarchy, including all the angels and souls.

The officers -- rooks, bishops and knights -- represent the angels. They inhabit the spiritual worlds and channel Divine energy to the worlds below and are imbued with great powers.

And on the lowest rung are the pawns, which represent the souls of Jews as they are embodied in physical bodies in this world.

Every level of this hierarchy has a unique position and method of moving, in accordance with its mission.

On the lowest rung, but on the front lines, are the pawns. Like the pawn that can only go forward one step at a time, we make the world into a place where G‑d can feel at home by moving slowly, step-by-step. We do our work with simple actions that are often not very glamorous. Although we can achieve a lot, we must work within the limits of the natural universe.

However, when a pawn finally completes its step-by-step progression and reaches the other side, it can be swapped and promoted to a higher level. It is even possible for a pawn to attain the level of queen.

This is also true spiritually: It is possible for a simple human soul to be united with its source in malchut d'Atzilut, to be charged with the level of G‑dliness that is higher than all the angels and souls. We are the only ones in all the realms of created reality that are capable of this kind of drastic transformation.

This is in contrast to the officers: the rook, bishop, or horse. They can hop and skip, several steps at a time. Yet they can each only move in the way they have been assigned. The rooks only move in straight lines, the bishops only move diagonally, and the knights only go two-squares-vertically, one-square-horizontally, or vice versa.

In the spiritual worlds, each angel has its own unique character and method of transmitting the Divine flow to the lower worlds. But while angels are supernatural spiritual forces, they can "hop and skip," they are limited by their own job-descriptions. Unlike humans, angels cannot act out of character, upgrade or improve themselves.

The queen has more power and freedom than any of the officers; she can move infinitely in any direction. But freedom implies risk, and the queen is often thrown into harm's way for the sake of the game. Paralleling this, G‑d allows an aspect of Himself to go into exile, to become embedded in a world that will not necessarily recognize His presence. G‑dliness can be found everywhere and at any time, even in situations that appear foreign to G‑d.

Interestingly, the king, the most important piece, seems to have the least power. While it can move in any direction, it can only move one step at a time, like a lowly pawn. It does not engage in the fighting, and it moves only when it is most necessary, to win the whole game or in a time of danger.

This is because the king represents the innermost essence of G‑d which is completely removed from the mundane world. This aspect of G‑d does not ordinarily become engaged in the happenings of the world. But in a stunning move of extravagance, when the battle becomes a battle of life-and-death, when the whole purpose of creation is at stake, the King of kings, "G‑d" in the most infinite sense, steps in and joins us. We are never far removed even from that most transcendent aspect of G‑d.

And what does it mean to win a game of chess? What is the future that even G‑d Himself will drop everything to save? It means to win the war of all wars: when the world will be a place of good and harmony, peace and tranquility; when no part of G‑d will be in exile; and when the essence of G‑d will no longer be "removed" from creation.


By Eliana Benador
Obama and his team are meticulously dismantling the American military, the American family, the American workforce, the American healthcare system, the American businesses, the American education, the American morals, and more.
They are also, quietly, allowing America’s takeover by Islam.
By all accounts, not a day passes by that Obama has not facilitated pro-terrorist Islamic Muslims, to infiltrate the fabric of the American society.  


As reported by Raymond Ibrahim in, one of Egypt’s most widely circulated and read newspapers, El Watan, published the report by investigative journalist Ahmed al-Tahiri’s on the presence of the Muslim Brotherhood in America. Below, a list of activists and institutions part of the influential Muslim Brotherhood operatives officially working in the United States

• Union of Egyptian Imams in North America, represented by Sheikh Muhammad al-Bani

• The Egyptian American Foundation for Development

• Dr. Khalid Lamada, New York

• Dr. Hassan al-Sayah, Virginia

• The Egyptian Network in America, led by Dr. Muhammad Helmi
• Dr. Akram al-Zand, Sa’ad Foundation
• Muhammad al-Khashab, Head of ART channels in America
• Sameh al-Henawi, member, Business Association of America
• Dr. Hany Saqr, member, Egyptian Association in America
• Dr. Khalid Hassan, Maryland
• Dr. Muhammad Abdel Hakem, Seattle
• Dr. Ahmed Ismat al-Bendari, President, Islamic Society of America
• Walid Yusari, Chicago
• Ahmed Shadid, New Jersey
• Ahmed al-Hatab, Indiana
• Dr. Muhammad Morjan, Boston
• Ramadan Ridwan, Houston
• Ahmed Fayez, Las Vegas
• Dr. Amru Abbas, member, Egyptian Foundation in Michigan
• Dr. Safi al-Din Hamed, Pennsylvania
• Dr. Hamdy Radwan, North Carolina
• Ahmed Shehata, Director, Egyptian American Organization for Democracy and Human Rights
• Dr. Iman Shehata, New York
• Dr. Muhammad Amru Attawiya, member, Organization of Islamic Relief in the United States
• Dr. Khalid al-Sayes, member, Rebuilding of Egypt Foundation
• Dr. Tariq Hussein, member, American Islamic Relations Council (CAIR)
• Dr Hisham al-Gayar, member, Egyptian Foundation, Michigan
• Amin Mahmoud, Maryland


Muslims seem very keen in the conquest of the United States of America.  Their terrorists attack on innocent civilians in times of peace on September 9, 2001, hit the nerve of the American economy and caused over 3,000 victims, plus countless wounded, families severed from their loved ones and in many cases entering a terrible period of uncertainty and distress as a result of losing their loved ones, many of them the breadwinners in their homes.
Despite that, since his inauguration, Barack Hussein Obama has welcomed several pro-Islamist Muslim elements to his inner circles.  
In gestures certainly destined to control criticism of the treatment of women in the Muslim world, Mr. Obama’s choice have been two women operatives:
in 2008, he invited Ingrid Mattson to be prayer leader in his first Inaugural National Prayer Service at Washington's National Cathedral.  Mattson, with admitted Hamas ties, was the first woman and convert to be the [now former] president of the Islamic Society of North America (ISNA). In that capacity she met on several occasions, with officials from both, the Bush and Obama administrations, to “discuss solutions” to violent extremism, Muslim military service and how to protect American... Muslims!   
Another notable Muslim close to the Obama circle is Dalia Mogahed, another hard-core Islamist Muslim, who was appointed as an advisor by U.S President Barack Obama on the White House Office of Faith-Based and Neighborhood Partnerships. Arabian Business magazine recognized Mogahed from 2010 to 2012 as one of the most influential Arab women and the Royal Islamic Strategic Studies Centre included her from 2009 to 2012 in its lists of the 500 most influential Muslims.  Mogahed also served as a director and senior analyst in Gallup Center and subsequently conducted research on trends on Muslims throughout the world including Europe and USA. She is a co-author of “Who Speaks For Islam? What a Billion Muslims Really Think”.
Mogahed has been a speaker at the International Conference on Islamophobia, Law & Media, to be mentioned below.  


One of several Muslim Brotherhood operatives in the Obama Administration is Mohamed Elibiary, a Texas-based Islamic cleric, who years ago was appointed member of the Homeland Security Advisory Council, where his bio describes him as follows:
Mohamed Elibiary, Founder, Lone Star Intelligence, LLC
“Mohamed Elibiary is the founder of Lone Star Intelligence, LLC.   He has advised numerous federal, state and local law enforcement organizations on homeland security-related matters.  In 2009 he was acknowledged in a Congressional Research Service report for advising the Information Sharing Environment Program Management Office on the Nationwide Suspicious Activity Reporting Initiative.  In 2010 he testified before Congress on “Working with Communities to Disrupt Terror Plots.”  In 2011 he was awarded the Louis E. Peters Memorial Award, the FBI’s highest public service award for “his extraordinary contributions to specific cases in support of the FBI’s counterterrorism mission.”  In 2012 the Office of the Federal Public Defender, a division of the U.S. Court, recognized Mohamed for his “tremendous service” leveraging his Homegrown Violent Extremism expertise in the United States vs. Daniel Patrick Boyd counter-terrorism case.”
But, Elibiary’s role seems to include social networks.  Point in case, his recent very explicit tweet:
@1776son America and yes I do consider the United States of America an Islamic country with an Islamically compliant constitution. Move On!
Next day followed by another tweet:
Thx 2 the 1000s who expressed views on my America being an Islamic country tw. I hope it begins series of constructive dialogues moving fwd.
Out of 26 members of the Council, for unclear reasons, only Elibiary gained access to a nationwide database that includes terror watch lists and sensitive FBI reports.  He was accused of taking confidential documents from the Texas Department of Public Safety and leaked them to the media.  His reported goal, was to damage then presidential candidate, Governor Rick Perry, showing the so-called islamophobia of Texas government agencies.  
Later on, at a Senate Hearing on the subject, Texas Representative, Louie Gohmert, quizzed the Secretary of Department for Homeland Security, Janet Napolitano, who responded the charges against Elibiary were “inaccurate”.  And Elibiary’s situation remained unchanged.  
Napolitano refuted the fact on the base that it was an accusation on a Muslim person, subtly accusing Representative Gohmert of Islamophobia.  The magic word to stop the world from reacting adequately to how Muslims behave.


Last September 12-13, 2013, the Organization of Islamic Cooperation event, “International Conference on Islamophobia: Law & Media”, took place in Istanbul under auspices of the Deputy Prime Minister of Turkey.   Among the unannounced attendees, was Hillary Clinton, America’s former First Lady and former Secretary of State.  
According to them,  “Islamophobia... a term used to express the groundless fear and intolerance of Islam and Muslims, has swept the world, becoming detrimental to international peace especially in recent years. The fear and hatred of Islam is the factor that not only exposes 1.6 billion Muslims to various negativities but also removes the tolerance which is a common ground for peaceful co-existence of different beliefs. As such, Islamophobia poses a big problem for believers of other religions as well.
Islamophobia is deemed as a human rights issue because of its implication of fear and intolerance culminating in hate speech and attitudes towards Muslims. Today all Muslims around the world call for recognition of Islamophobia as a hate crime and Islamophobic attitudes as human rights violations, highlighting the legal dimension of the issue. Therefore, existing relationship of Islamophobia to human rights and universal law appears to be an important subject requiring to be scrutinized.
The other important point is that the forms of media coverage on Muslims and Islam are in direct proportion to the spread of Islamophobia and the social problem that it tends to lead. Anti-Islamic propagandas made through images and language used by the visual media and print media play efficient role in creating the social repercussion of Islamophobia. Moreover, media, with its far reaching effects on public opinion, has the potential of playing effective role in fighting against Islamophobia as well as in spreading it.”
Another important attendee was President Erdogan of Turkey, who spoke in front of his audience of Arab Muslims, that are known to have despised him but, most likely, given the ultimate goal of world domination, it is apparent they are ironing their differences to get the job done.  
On the homepage of the International Conference on Islamophobia, Law & Media, on the right hand, is “A Short Film on Islamophobia,” that readers should take a minute to watch and listen to Erdogan’s delivery on that occasion.  
They show no sign of repentance for the horrors committed through acts of terrorism against innocent civilians worldwide, including to their own populations.  
There is no signal of their willingness to ask for forgiveness from the world for the savagery committed in the name of their religion, when the world is shown the persecution of Christians, honor killing, mutilations, or by forcing children to commit horrors like behead people.  And much more, and much worse.
Least of all, they do not volunteer a plan to stop terrorism altogether and their ambitions of world domination.  
Rather, they choose to play victimhood, the best role to silence dissent.
Only the Egyptians have, in their last revolution, renegade Islamist terrorism, as well civilized people should, and they should be warmly welcome and be shown as example for the world to see that not all Muslims, tolerate the inhumane and savage side that is taught to so many of them.
Egyptians should also serve as example to Western liberals, the facilitators and enablers of Islamist terrorism, as in the case of the American President, Barack Hussein Obama.  Instead, Obama has cut military aid to Egypt’s current leadership who, unlike the Muslim Brotherhood, does not enjoy the moral and military support from the White House.
They are disarming the West with values of Democracy and Human Rights.  These fallacies of contemporary Western civilization of the last centuries, are bound to become the Damocles swords that shrewd Muslim theoreticians will use to make sure that the heart of the West is the target of their sabers.  
Once Obama said: “And one of the points I want to make, is that if you actually took the number of Muslim Americans, we’d be one of  the largest Muslim countries in the world.  And, so there’s got to be a better dialogue and a better understanding between the two people...”   
Indonesia has the largest Muslim population in the world, with 200 million Muslims, followed by India with 156 million Muslims, and Pakistan that has 150 million Muslims.
Following in the same line of thought of what the President said back then, he was not alluding to the 2.3 million Muslims in America, but to ALL Americans, which make over 315 million...  So, yes, a Muslim America would have over 315 million Muslims, thus becoming the largest Muslim country in the world.  
From the onset, Barack Hussein Obama’s goal was, and still is, to radically turn America Muslim.
Instead of taking centuries for the Muslim conquest of America, they think they can do it now, because there is no one to stop them.
No one.
God bless America
Eliana Benador1Copyright ©Eliana Benador
Eliana Benador is a global strategist, a political operative and a human rights activist. She has been the founder of Benador Associates. She has represented dissidents abroad from Iraq, Iran, the Copts and others. Her blog is Eliana's Choice. You may follow her on Twitter, join her fan page onFacebook and you may find her also on LinkedIn.

Thursday, October 31, 2013


By Eliana Benador

The President has not signed the immigration bill during the summer recess as some feared, but he certainly has not given up on it.  If it is about the destruction of America, he will be reliable.  

In fact, 11 million illegal immigrants in America are enjoying all kind of aids and privileges,
especially,the outrageous Supreme Court order that has granted vote to illegal immigrants in American elections WITHOUT documentation, means that a de facto immigration has already taken place.  

The rest will only be a formality.  Those who have entered America breaking the laws of immigration, instead of being punished, will be rewarded.

Obama continues pulling the strings among his friends and donors to help him achieve his goals.  Among them, the political action group founded by one of Mr. Obama’s supporters, Mark Zuckerberg, the creator of Facebook; the National Immigration Forum; and the Partnership for a New American Economy, led by Mayor Michael R. Bloomberg of New York, Rupert Murdoch and Bill Marriott Jr.  They have joined in their quest to help the President crush public opinion with their arguments and influence and policymakers to pass a most comprehensive immigration reform.

Their agenda is set as the “partnership [to] enable Mayors and CEOs to demonstrate to policymakers the vital role that immigration plays in our economy by publishing studies, conducting polls, convening forums, and sponsoring public education campaigns."  

Given that people such as Zuckerberg, Bloomberg and Murdoch are involved, the weight of their influence almost guarantee the success of this endeavor.
Yesterday, in an unprecedented move, a group of Utah business leaders confronted several members of their state’s congressional delegation as they all waited to board their flight to Washington D.C. last Monday at the Salt Lake City airport.  The businessmen were urging House Republicans to take up a broad immigration overhaul.  “Our plea is to act now, do it now, lead,” Stan Lockhart, a former chairman of the Utah Republican Party, said Tuesday in an interview as he explained the group’s basic pitch. “Ask House leadership to lead, and let’s pass what’s possible now.”  Randy Parker, chief executive of the Utah Farm Bureau Federation, chimed in: “They need to act now. That’s the bottom line.”

Why would such a coalition of business executives, evangelical groups and prominent conservatives come together to urge House Republicans to put broad immigration legislation on the House floor, “ideally before the end of this year?”

They were not alone.  There was also another larger group of more than 600 leaders from roughly 40 states who descended on Capitol Hill for meetings with nearly 150 Republican lawmakers who they expect to support a broad immigration overhaul, including some sort of legal status for the 11 million immigrants in the country illegally.

When conservative business leaders urge lawmakers to take a more proactive role in pushing immigration legislation to a House vote, one must wonder what is in there for them when they are demanding their lawmakers to  “ actually create dialogue and create discussion and tell leadership in the House that we’re not interested in waiting two years — we need to address this now.”  The urge is certain to please President Obama, Zuckerberg, Bloomberg, Murdoch.  

Meanwhile, in Capitol Hill conflicting messages are coming from Marco Rubio who seems to have heard people unhappy with his immigration positions and is struggling to remain a viable candidate for next elections.  Mike Lee, who won with support from the Tea Party, is also targeted by the business leaders, in the hope to convince him to join the bandwagon of immigration reform. However, Senator Lee will not be an easy prey, as he has qualms to oppose an immigration overhaul that he considers more of an “amnesty.”

No one forgets that President Obama has made clear he wants this immigration legislation signed by the end of this year. To that purpose, he has met with members of the Congressional Hispanic Caucus “to discuss administration efforts to urge House passage of immigration legislation.”

The president will use “all tools available”.  Indeed, Americans know that he will do all in his power, and more, to get an immigration bill through Congress.

The Obama Administration has said that “enacting the Senate immigration measure would increase the U.S. gross domestic product by 3.3 percent in 2023 by creating a larger labor force, higher productivity and stronger technology and agriculture.”

They willingly forget that America already has a large labor force, there are roughly  a third of the American population, i.e., 114 million in all, jobless, unemployed or without work who must be given any and all jobs available in America.  They should be priority number one, above anyone else.

Most immigrants targeted by the Obama Administration to receive their gifts, are highly unskilled individuals -not the opposite.  So, how do they figure these people would be instrumental in increasing the U.S. gross domestic product by 3.3%?

And, there are still other issues such as border security, immigration agents to be dealt with.  For now, suffice it to note the incongruent ambitions of the President with the reality of the situation.

The ill policies of democrats and republicans from the last decades have been guided by an American political leadership that has governed in accordance to personal and corporate interests and not by the best interest of America and her citizens.  That is the reason why they need to maintain the fabric of the  country made of immigrants -while they give hard time to born-Americans.

Fifty million American babies have been murdered thanks to laws promoting and facilitating abortion.  America needs more American born babies.  A good President would have promoted and facilitated that young couples have as many babies as possible. Sadly, the abortion program is one of the abhorrent pet projects of this President

Once again, the politics of the leadership serve their own personal and corporate interests.  Once again, they are not thinking of the country and people whom they should defend -with their lives, in case of need. Once again, political and business leaders are betraying America.

At this point, allowing a quasi-amnesty on immigration equates to have the doors wide open to unskilled mercenaries.  They will not respect or share the values of the land and will show no love, solidarity or gratitude for America.  

They would still have to show if they are ready to sacrifice for a land that deserves to be worshiped.

One thing is for sure, those mercenary immigrants will show allegiance to the rotten American leadership that has facilitated their status as new Americans.

Frankly, America deserves better.  

God bless America

Copyright ©Eliana Benador

Eliana Benador is a global strategist, a political operative and a human rights activist. She has been the founder of Benador Associates. She has represented dissidents abroad from Iraq, Iran, the Copts and others. Her blog is Eliana's Choice. You may follow her on Twitter, join her fan page on Facebook and you may find her also on LinkedIn.


By Eliana Benador

Liberals have always pretended to be the standard bearers of ‘humanitarian’ issues.  For instance, “defense of human rights,” has been one of their pet causes.  “Defense of justice” against social “injustice” has been the next on their agenda.  “Children” well-being was also on the list. “Whales” as well as “dolphins” and “rhinos”, no allusion, are also down along.  And, whether green or blue, “environment” continues the circle.

It was those same liberals who elected Mr. Obama the first time.  And, not having enough, they repeated the feat for a second time.  And, one day soon, they will realize that by granting victory to this man and all he represents, they may have ambushed themselves in Mr. Obama’s attacks on America.

Breaking news have announced that Obama has been lying all along about the healthcare system he has shoved down the throat of Americans.  Was the President ill-intentioned?  You bet.  

NBC reports that while the President has “...repeatedly assured Americans that after the Affordable Care Act became law, people who liked their health insurance would be able to keep it. But millions of Americans are getting or are about to get cancellation letters for their health insurance under Obamacare, say experts, and the Obama administration has known that for at least three years.”

We are used to the fact that terrorism is waged by exploding a bomb in a place where unsuspecting, innocent civilians are the victims.  The attack is prepared with minutiae and the ill intent to harm those who are unprepared and defenseless.

But, in this XXIst century, there is a new kind of terrorism.  

Nowadays, we are discovering that terrorism can also be intellectual, psychological, political, in such a way that unlike the physically enacted terrorism, this one is intangible.  

One cannot see weapons used by the perpetrators.  Neither can one see the effect it has on its victims.  What’s worse, is that one cannot even realize when it is committed or when it begins or ends.  

Up until now it would have been difficult to show the American democratic constituency that the presidential terrorism perpetrated also targets them.   The President’s partisanship does not preclude him from hurting his enablers.

Today’s news announcing Obama’s lies promoting the Affordable Health Care should disarm and distress even his voters.  No one can forget when he said in 2009: “...if you like your health plan, you will be able to keep your health plan,” was still saying in 2012, “If [you] already have health insurance, you will keep your health insurance.”

The President’s betrayal in this field should not come as a surprise.  

Obama has not hesitated to pass a tab of 20 billion dollar to the nation, for his family of only four and BO the dog, no relation, for last year’s expenses.

Humanitarianism in liberal lingo has always meant “humanitarian with the enemy,” thus Obama splurges in giving billions to terrorist supporting organizations or electricity in Africa and other, rather than thinking of creating jobs at home, creating training courses in different fields for high school graduates, feeding the destitute, or even planning on some universities that would be really for free for students who could not afford higher education otherwise.  

He has had no qualm in favoring outsourcing jobs, disregarding the rate of unemployed or jobless or people actually with no work or working possibilities, a rough number of 114 million altogether.   And, “jobless” does not only affect the jobless person, but also the families at large, in their psyche, in their financial insecurity and anguish, in the psychological and evident threat of an uncertain future.  

The long lines waiting for aid are no worry for Mr. Obama, they represent his success.  In fact, he may be looking at them with inner satisfaction of how he has succeeded turning Americans addicted to the beggar mentality that his party want to achieve as they serve their ultimate masters, global Islamic domination.

Spying on Mrs. Merkel and other leaders around the globe -who are proven no terrorists, and denying it flat out, has only shown the whole world what kind of species Mr. Obama belongs to.  

The President’s IQ obviously cannot be that high, and in all his malignancy, it has been hard for him and his ilk, to figure that one day, sooner or later, shrewder and savvier Europeans one day would realize what America has been inflicting upon them.  They have, needlessly, received the terrorist treatment.  

Today’s turn belongs to Americans at large.  So many are waking up to realize that it is considerable when 70% of our country will de facto be forced to abandon their health insurance because Mr. Obama’s “Affordable” Health Care mandates it.  

Obama knew.  He has behaved, once again, as he did with the poor Americans he turned his back on in Benghazi.  This time, he has turned the back on America at large, including his democratic voters.  

Part of this insane betrayal are also the opening of the borders, the de facto immigration that is happening under the eyes of the whole country, the insertion of the Islamic agenda while closing doors to Christianity, the country’s traditional religious group.  The rise of feminism which together with the promotion of homosexual marriage represent the intent of destroying the family nucleus, what gives a country its very own identity.  

As Press Secretary of former First Lady Barbara Bush, and respected journalist, Andrew Malcolm writes about recent developments surrounding Obama’s involvement or lack of it:  “But over recent months the Obama administration has developed a peculiar pattern of behavior in this area. Obama himself and unidentified aides using news leaks have boasted of the president's ignorance of things that an ordinary person outside the Oval Office bubble would think a chief executive should know.  That's the kind of dodge favored by those whose father never taught them to take responsibility for their actions.”

As evidence mounts around the argument “Obama did not know,” maybe a new hypothesis can be considered.

This may simply turn to be a White House conspiracy to cover up for a President whose goal is the destruction of America.

If Mr. Obama has the opportunity to finish his term, America will never be America again.

God bless America

Copyright ©Eliana Benador

Eliana Benador is a global strategist, a political operative and a human rights activist. She has been the founder of Benador Associates. She has represented dissidents abroad from Iraq, Iran, the Copts and others. Her blog is Eliana's Choice. You may follow her on Twitter, join her fan page on Facebook and you may find her also on LinkedIn.