“It is not enough that we do our best; sometimes we have to do what is required.”
Sir Winston Churchill
By Eliana Benador
Keen in waging war on Syria, all of a sudden, the American President is sternly rushed to get things done. Has he considered all the consequences of his actions? Yes.
The left conspiracy against America has always weighed their every move. And they continue to do so until the present. Make no doubt about that.
Obama has surrounded himself with the worst extreme radical appointees in American history; chief among them is his radical leftist Ambassador to the United Nations, Samantha Power, a rabid anti-semitic and an avowed enemy of our ally, the State of Israel.
Historically speaking, liberals have planned their attack to demolish Western civilization from the very beginning, over hundred years ago, when they began investing heavily in theoreticians to figure ways to destroy the pillars of Western Civilization: religion, family, military, education and so on.
Interestingly, this news is not part of the main news sources but rather of minor ones. MSM are conveniently calling the result of Obama’s abusive behavior, “executive actions,” or “executive measures.”
True to themselves, Biden and Obama have not wasted a second and without much ado, the President proceeded actually change the American Constitution.
They are targeting the Second Amendment to the United States Constitution which is part of the United States Bill of Rights to protect the right of the people to keep and bear arms ever since It was adopted on December 15, 1791.
A tragedy such as the Sandy Hook massacre, for instance, that took the lives of 26 children and six adults, should have resulted in strict solutions, harsher measures, such as increased surveillance plus heavily armed protection to schools nationwide.
Instead, Sandy Hook has been manipulated by the liberal progressive American leadership to promote their radical change that will disarm the population instead of making legislation to deter and prosecute criminals in the most decisive way’
It has been the British newspaper, The Telegraph that late Thursday night announced: “Unable to overcome opposition to new gun laws from Republicans and a handful of conservative Democrats, the White House has resorted to issuing executive orders which do not need Congressional approval.
The new orders ban Americans from buying weapons that the US military has provided to foreign governments. Around 250,000 guns, including assault rifles, have been re-imported back into the US since 2005, according to White House figures.
A second order prevents gun buyers from registering machine guns or sawn-off shotguns to a corporation and therefore avoid undergoing a personal background check.
The White House said the orders were intended "make progress toward reducing gun violence" in the wake of the Newtown massacre even as "Congress fails to act on common-sense proposals".” Common sense, that is, the one from an ill-willed anti-American White House.
1) The Political War: Executive Orders
By official accounts, Barack Obama has only issued roughly 157 executive orders, while George W. Bush’s number is 291. However, the numbers go up dramatically when unofficial sources are consulted. They indicate that Obama’s actual number is a whopping 921 executive orders in his first 40 months as president. Gasp. In the past, if any president issued as many as 30 Executive Orders during one term, people immediately wondered what was wrong.
2) The Financial War: Multi-trillion National Debt
This anti-American President has been actively increasing our national debt, whether with his outrageous lifestyle spending 20 BILLION last year alone in his personal and family expenses. Naturally, this contradicts and nullifies his pretense of being a radical leftist. His Alinsky-ideal-model-of-society for America, is for others, not for him or his family. Added to that, his gestures of largesse as he contributes, unashamedly and without Congress approval to causes that in no way benefit Americans but add to a swelling national debt about to hit the 17 TRILLION.
At this point, the debt per citizen is $53,458, and growing, and it means that every American baby is born with that amount debt on his or her little shoulders. Courtesy of the Obama Administration.
3) The Military War: American Military
The American military has been shaken, violated, emasculated, and put through all kinds of tragedies, as occurred with Seal Team Six and also in the Fort Hood terrorist attack that until now is not even considered terrorism in an effort by the Obama Administration to absolve the religious responsibility of Islam. As such, even the Purple Heart has been denied to the military victims of terrorism at Fort Hood, with the extra financial help that it entails especially for the families, now that their bread-winner is gone, or that the surviving wounded will have more needs, as a result of their new situation.
After abolishing DADT, homosexuals have been given official entrance in the military, making their sexual orientation known. It is evident that the unintended consequence of this signifies a distraction our men when they need to focus on their sacred duty to fight the enemy and not worry or know which sexual orientation their comrades belong to. Emasculated and demoralized, the American military are being sent to their death one by one.
4) The Moral War: The War on the American Family
The goal of the leftist Obama Administration has been to hit America with “radical change,” and that’s exactly what they are giving. They have gained the electoral support of the LGBT and promoted gay and lesbian marriage, and soon enough the whole country will be dragged into the frenzy. Exhibitionism and the loss of decorum will be pulling the American society further into its moral and lethal decadence, as some recent events in show business demonstrate.
As of 2014, in Chicago, kindergartners will receive classes teaching them that one can marry anyone one wants, despite that the left’s policy-making has been based on their view that homosexuality is a “natural event.” Who would have known that it had to be taught from such a tender age. Anyway, contaminating the minds of America’s children should be considered a crime against humanity.
Indeed, with this, the American family takes a hit -as its enemies only hope it will soon collapse, forever.
4) The Religious War: Against Christianity but For Islam
Christian signs are being removed, official funerals cannot include prayers. The 9/11 ceremonies in 2012, were specifically devoid of Christian symbols. Copts in Egypt are being murdered and persecuted, but Obama is never outraged about that.
All mention of Islam has disappeared from all records in the FBI, CIA and other agencies, despite the fact that the Koran commands jihad, Muslim world domination and “death to the i nfidel,”
Muslim terrorism on innocent civilian victims is the rule. Muslim psychological oppression, and political terrorism are abounding in the West. In America, last year, the Obama Administration gave instructions to facilitate visas to Saudi ‘students’, to study in America, with the same status that the terrorists of 9/11 enjoyed: Saudi students in America.
5) The other war: Joblessness, Unemployed
So far, there is NO word of job creation in Obama’s policy-making. Instead, we are being dragged into the dark world of racism, terrorism, beheading, mutilation, honor killing, child pedophilia, women mutilation and, worse, forced conversions to Islam.
But, we never hear those magic words: Serious plans for job creation.
6) The coup de grâce: Immigration
Part of his plan to “change” America radically includes the giveaway of the American nationality to millions of immigrant mercenaries. The Obama immigration bill offers a 13-year path to citizenship for the estimated 11 million immigrants who are already living in America, illegally. If the bill is adopted, immigrants lawlessness will be rewarded with a most coveted prize: The American nationality.
It is a known fact that Muslim immigration multiplies at very high rates. And, before we know it, their numbers will have increased so much, that the job market in America will shrink it’s availability to generations old Americans. That’s why Muslims love Democracy. They know that one day, they will be the “democratic” majority, a subtle way to achieve the world domination their prophet instructed them to fight for.
Obama has decided it was time to stop the alleged “chemical attack” in Syria; a most troublesome element, while the winds of History are blowing in Obama’s direction, in mainland America.
So, when he announces he plans on “limited strike” on Syria, who can tell if he really means it. But, even if he does mean it, no one knows what life brings, especially in the case of war.
On her Facebook page, Sarah Palin argues that “... this is about President Obama saving political face because of his “red line” promise regarding chemical weapons,” there is more to it than meets the eyes, as we will show below. Likewise, when Palin states that “...this [Syrian] conflict is pitting Islamic extremists against an authoritarian regime with both sides shouting “Allah Akbar” at each other...” in fact, in the Syrian conflict, only the Al Qaeda terrorists are the ones dancing to that cry; not the Syrian army.
Last week’s Executive Order on Gun Control has been another of Obama’s achievements. As is traditional for him, he did it while Congress was in summer recess. Of course, it is useful to count on a state-controlled mainstream media so that this kind of news only appear in the foreign press or in one or two local, otherwise unknown newspapers in America.
“Syria” comes also handy for another important reason for Obama. On 9/11 will be held the “Million Muslim March” in Washington, D.C., no less. That event has been organized by a Bangladeshi-born Muslim turned American veteran and, of course, an Obama allied. Muslims are demanding “justice” for them since they have been unfairly “singled out” for the mistakes committed by their terrorists back on 9/11.
In this case, also, normal procedure should have been that they apologize with a promise to stop their terrorists and keep them within the limits of their own countries. Neither has any imam in the Muslim world, told that they abdicate their ambitions for world domination, and their designs to impose sharia throughout the globe. But, they feel “discriminated”, they say.
Obama has consulted with oil experts. It would be hard to imagine any oil expert telling him to go ahead with a war against an oil producing country and not have warned him about the terrible impact on oil prices in general as well as the devastating effect in world economy, but most particularly the American economy. But, wait, America is not Mr. Obama’s problem.
This war, will also give the President the opportunity to have many American military killed in action, another way to undermine and demoralize our forces. Military worldwide must obey. Only when the people staging peaceful marches can give them the power to protect the country’s interests in front of abusive leaders. Point in case: Egypt.
An important element in Obama’s decision for war against Syria must also have to do with the fact that his proteges, the Muslim Brotherhood, have lost foot in Egypt, and by helping the al Qaeda terrorists oust President Assad, he will help the cause of radical Islam accede to power once again.
Our British friends have made up their minds and their decision, accordingly. They reminded their liberal globalist leadership that their first priority is Great Britain. They are not going to war against Syria. Wise decision.
Barack Obama announced last Saturday his decision to seek Congress authorization to go to war. Article I, Section 8, of the American Constitution gives Congress the power to declare war.
Despite that, Secretary of State John Kerry has said that Obama “has the right to strike regardless of the vote.” Maybe so -but if he does so, he will once again, violate the Constitution, recidivating what he did by unilaterally deciding to go to war against Libya. And, so what, they will tell us.
The President is keen in taking America to war. But, let’s see what war is he really keen in winning.
That Obama has no love lost for Israel, is an understatement. Therefore, the Syrian affaire would not be complete, if by the same token tiny Israel was not also put in grave danger.
At the beginning of his story, it was about defending Syrians against the chemical attacks by... their own President? As that did not work for the Brits, Obama thinks to have found a new formula to win voices and votes. Conveniently, now he is arguing that the strike on Syria would be to defend Israel.
Obama, whose love for Israel goes as far as the indefensible 1967 borders, now wants to defend King David’s homeland. Does he think Israel’s friends will forget that Iran has already threatened to attack Israel should Obama attack Syria? This sword of Damocles hanging on Israel would be after all, a welcome gift to the anti-American President.
He and his Administration have as priority to establish a globalist agenda, which is completely incompatible with the existence of individual countries. That may well be one of the reasons he has no qualms weakening an already fragile American economy. And, what better way than adding in a few more trillions war expenses.
With a stumbling economy, the American people will become more dependents on government aid. No jobs and no money, are the path to slavery.
Whether Iran or Saudi Arabia or Qatar, they may well be fighting one another, but they have one common denominator: They are Muslims, Islam is their religion and Muhammad is their prophet. Enough said.
When all is done and said, as we have read earlier, Congress may not have the last word, the military cannot stop him. The only ones who can stop him are the American People, then Congress and Military will feel empowered.
The President cannot and should not be impeached, for the simple reason that impeachment is lengthy and in the end, it will fail as it often has.
Impeachment has proven to be a pathetic parody where the only losers are the American people.
Obama and his entire Administration, Congress, Supreme Court, the IRS, and all agencies, MUST be removed and dismantled. Obamacare must be nullified.
The day the American people will peacefully march and stay in front of the White House until everyone leaves, then, early elections can take place. And the country will be able to move on to better pastures in greener land.
May G-d bless America
Copyright ©Eliana Benador