Friday, May 31, 2013

BENADOR: Thinking of the sick, Misheberach


Shabbat approaches, so first and above all, I want us to think of those whose health is fragile and those who are or may be sick.

Let's not take our friendship for granted and neither should we our health and the health of our friends.

So, for all of you who are in any way sick, our hearts go out to you, and a big, sweet and loving Refuah Shelema...

May G-d watch over you. May He favor your healing. May He provide you with the right doctors, hospitals and nurses to be the agents of His Miracles for you.


Mi-sheberakh avoteinu v'imoteinu, Avraham v Yitzhak v'Ya'akov, hu y'varekh et (recite the English and Hebrew name) v'yavi aleihem refuat hanefesh u'refuat haguf yachad im kol cholei amo Yisrael. Barukh atah Adonai, rofeh ha'cholim.

May the One who was a source of blessing for our forefathers, bring blessings of healing upon (recite the English and Hebrew name), a healing of body and a healing of spirit. May those in whose care they are entrusted, be gifted with wisdom and skill, and those who surround them, be gifted with love and trust, openness and support in their care. And may they be healed along with all those who are in need. Blessed are You, Source of healing. Amen.

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