Thursday, October 4, 2012

BENADOR: Facebook: The rogue cyber-country with 1 billion population

Wow...  Facebook has hit ONE BILLION USERS!!!

And, as such, comparatively, Mark Zuckerberg could be the elected tyrant of a cyber-country, called Facebook, where one billion immigrants choose free-willingly to belong and become 'his' slaves.

The fact is that Zuckerberg would not need to run for office, as mentioned above, because 'his people elect him' to be their tyrannical ruler.

Facebook is the cyber-rogue country par excellence, where terrorism and terrorists find a safe haven.  And, where law-abiding and God-fearing people are persecuted with no room to appeal the tyrannical laws imposed by Zuckerberg and swallowed by his slaves.

That's how cyber-life has taken over real life in this beginning of the XXIst century (XXI means 21.)


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